Live In Care FAQs

Live In Care Frequently Asked Questions

There is lots to consider when thinking about care for a loved one. We have compiled our Live-In Care Frequently Asked Questions below, to help with this. What exactly is Live-In Care, and how much does it cost? This and much more can be explained below.

If you have a question which is not answered here, please do get in touch. We understand that each situation is different. As a family-run agency, we spend time with our families to ensure they understand and are happy with what is being proposed. With 20+ years experience, we have the experience to understand what you need.

Please view our Live-In Care Frequently Asked Questions and let us know in the contact form below or via our CareSisters Contact Page if you have any further questions.

What is an introductory care agency?

CareSisters are defined by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as an Introductory Agency, a model that is approved by the CQC, but falls outside the scope of their regulations. We don’t employ the carers we work with, we match customers who require care with self-employed care professionals from our network of carers. Using an introductory agency gives you more involvement and control over your loved ones care and reduces costs versus traditional care agencies, giving you get a better deal and your carer a better reward.

What is live-in care?

Live-in care gives your loved one tailored one-to-one professional and personal support in everything they do, within the comfort of their own home. Live-in carers are on hand 24/7, from when your loved one wakes up in the morning to when they go to bed (including if they need help during the night). It can be a cost-effective and wonderful alternative to a care home. Benefitting your loved one mentally, physically and emotionally whilst providing you the added sense of security and assurance that they are getting the care and personal support they need from one-to-one care in their home, while keeping as active as possible within their existing community and friends.

What will a live-in carer do?

There’s not a lot our carer’s won’t do to allow your loved one to enjoy the happiness and comfort of living in their own home regardless of their age or condition.

Click here for a full list of all the tasks they might do

What hours do live-in carers work?

Live-in carers are on hand 24/7 if they are needed but typically work an average of eight to ten hours a day (not necessarily consecutive hours).

How much does a live-in carer cost?

The costs of your live-in care will vary depending on your loved one's needs, starting from £840 per week for basic care up to £1,050 per week for more complex care requirements.

What do I need to provide for the carer?

You’ll need a suitable, furnished, private room for your carer to live with you. As they may spend their downtime in their room its recommended you provide them with at least a comfortable bed, bedside table, chest of drawers, wardrobe, desk and television where possible.

Can I have a male live-in carer?

Yes, of course, the choice is yours! We have many male live-in carers, if you have a preference, please do let us know.

Ask a question

If you have a question about CareSisters and the service we offer, please Contact Us and we will get back to you within 48 hours.